Start with 142, finish with a future.
The Student Association for the Medical Sciences (SAMS) is a student-run club that advocates for and caters to the academic, social and welfare needs of all medical science (MEDSCI) students at the University of Auckland.
This includes students studying Biomedical Science, Physiology, Pharmacology, Medicinal Chemistry and/or any student enrolled in MEDSCI papers.
Here at SAMS, we understand what it's like being a student. We know about the struggles, the uncertainty, and the unknown. If you need any help relating to your degree (or you're just wanting a yarn), we are more than happy to chat and help out. Simply fill out the form, directly email us as sams.uoa@gmail.com or DM us on facebook.
University of Auckland, Grafton Campus
OFFICE: 503-006
Interested in joining us? Click here
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